Total # of articles about sidewalks: 11
Total # of articles about sidewalks written by Jane McClure: 11
Headline: Recommendations reviewed for new park land on Ford Plant site; Task force considers 15, 39, and 70 acres of new parks
Reporter: Jane McClure
Short short version: The St Paul Planning Commission Ford Site Planning Task Force (STPCFSPTF) is going to hear the suggestions from the Planning Commission Ford Site Open Space Work Group (PCFSOSWG) which has been working on the task of thinking about how many parks should theoretically be placed on the development that goes on at the Ford Plant site, if and when that happens. The choices are 15, 39, or 70 acres of parks and include various combinations of ballfields “passive parks” and other things unspecified but possibly including baseball softball soccer and football but not lacrosse.
Headline: East Metro hails Haigh's appointment as Met Council chair; officials are hoping she will help restore regional balance to transit projects
Reporter: Jane McClure
Short short version: [Replaying a century-old story] East side boosters and business types have long been pissed about how the Met Council has emphasized the Western suburbs / Minneapolis in its transit planning [even though that's where the vast majority of development, jobs, and population is to be found]. The article surmises the joy about Haigh's long-time connections with East Metro big shots and how these might be parlayed into future transit investment funding [provided either the State, Local, or Federal governments ever again become solvent -Ed.]. Article includes lots of happy backslapping Babbitt-type quotes.
Headline: Brewery project moving forward; Historic designation, pollution cleanup eyed for former Schmidt site. [Also, pig still airborne.]
Reporter: Jane McClure
Short short version: There is a public meeting about the brewery development situation on the 14th of February at 7:00 at the Ford Road Federation office. Currently, there is an "evaluation of pollution" going on thanks to a Met Council grant, as well as discussion about historical designation possibilities.
Headline: Hundreds file for 16 seats on Metropolitan Council
Reporter: Jane McClure
Short short version: Short bit about the absurd situation with the Met Council hiring process.
Headline: Judge's ruling resolves local groups Central Corridor lawsuit
Reporter: Jane McClure
Short short version: The last lawsuit standing in the way of the CCLRT, this one filed by business owners, was dismissed in a story covered extensively elsewhere. The special Villager twist? Quotes from the judge, some background on different sides of the issue, a quote from new Met Council head Haigh, and a local Asian-American business owner.
Headline: Comments sought on Hamline, Victoria, Western station plans
Reporter: Jane McClure
Short short version: The current plans for the "small areas" around the LRT stations are up for comment, and will be discussed before the St. Paul Planning Commission at a meeting at 8:30 AM on Friday the 18th at City Hall. Article includes details of the plans, including pedestrian streetscape encouragement and some concern about the [awesome looking] Old Home building at University and Western.
Headline: Jefferson-Cleveland median gets mixed reviews in neighborhood
Reporter: Jane McClure
Short short version: Relatively fair article about the meeting of the Highland Park Transportation Committee [covered thoroughly on this very website] at which different opinions were expressed. [Article is less amusing than your humble commentator's similar attempt. -Ed.]
Headline: Appearance of planned I-94 sound wall raises a ruckus in Merriam Park; Vegetation sought to screen wall from homes
Reporter: Jane McClure
Short short version: Amusing bit about the sound wall proposal along I-94 near Merriam Park. Councilmember Stark [pedestrian rights hero] is asking for tress and vegetation or at least the ability to plant such vegetation along the wall. Includes quotes from aesthetically concerned homeowners.
Headline: Federal funding for Central Corridor reaches Capitol Hill
Reporter: Jane McClure
Short short version: Bit about federal approval for the light rail, covered elsewhere.
Headline: Federal grant to help clean up pollution along Hiawatha Avenue
Reporter: Jane McClure
Short short version: Hennepin County has gotten $100K to clean up pollution in the east Phillips and west Longfellow neighborhoods along Hiawatha.
Headline: PPL housing, University-Prior planning benefit from grants
Reporter: Jane McClure
Short short version: St. Paul has given money to two housing groups to provide affordable housing in the city. PPL gets $230K, while the Prior-University group gets $47K.
1 comment:
How about the anti-transit editorial of the week?
And I'm looking forward to next month's article on the report of the PCFSPPWG (Planning Commission Ford Site Parking & Pavement Work Group), which considers 15, 39 and 70 acres of new parking.
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