Total # of articles about sidewalks: 12
Total # of articles about sidewalks written by Jane McClure: 11
Headline: Cities dig out from Dec. blizzard; For St. Paul crews, the effort may be winter-long affair
Reporter: Jane McClure
Short short version: Blindingly obvious news about snow and snow removal. Interesting details about St Paul's [maligned] Public Works Department include: city added 25 extra plows on loan from MN-DOT and private contractors, the empty snow storage lot at Pleasant and Victoria is filling up, Minneapolis has a "snow melting" machine that melts snow and feeds it into a sewer. Also features photo by Brad Stauffer of Ray Tschida's vintage 1969 snowblower.
Headline: St. Paul officials seek citizens' help in providing for the public's safety
Reporter: Jane McClure
Short short version: PSA-type bit asking people to clear sidewalks, shovel out their fire hydrants, check gas meters, not push snow from driveways into the street.
Headline: Council finds way to restore some cuts from past budgets; Additional $3.3 million may answer a few needs if LGA isn't cut in 2011
Reporter: Jane McClure
Short short version: [Using bureaucratic wizardry] Councilmember Harris somehow found $3 million from STAR budgets, maintenance funds, and "solid-waste money" [I hope this isn't what I think it is] which helped to alleviate budget cuts. All this is assuming [very optimistically] that the [GOP-controlled] State legislature doesn't make further cuts to LGA funds. The bulk of the money seems to be going towards "operating costs", as well as to fund a long list of park improvements and the Civic Organizations Partnership Program (COPP). [Odds on this happening are about the same as the Vikings making the playoffs. -Ed.]
Headline: Commission grants permit for Grand-Cleveland auto shop
Reporter: Jane McClure
Short short version: The [previously-mentioned] vacant lot at Grand and Cleveland will be filled by a [politically palatable] auto shop, provided a wooden fence is put in to prevent neighbors from being able to see the unsightly cars.
Headline: Coalition cited for promoting Central Corridor infill stations
Reporter: Jane McClure
Short short version: The community groups that were pushing for adding stations along the poorer part of the Central Corridor line have received an award called the "National Achievement in Environmental Justice" award from the Federal EPA.
Headline: St. Paul continues hearing on new sidewalk cafe regulations
Reporter: Jane McClure
Short short version: St. Paul is still conducting hearings about new regulations about the allowed width of sidewalk cafes. The battle pits restaurant owners against people with disabilities in a zero-sum contest for scarce sidewalk space. The current proposal is a minimum 48-inch clearance.
Headline: Met Council approves hiring two artists for infill stations
Reporter: Jane McClure
Short short version: Foster Willey will be doing the artwork for the Hamline and Victoria stations, and Catherine Widgery will be doing the artwork for the Western Avenue station along the Central Corridor line.
Headline: Nook revival in the works; Owners pledge to reopen burger bar following fire
Reporter: Jane McClure
Short short version: The dudes who own The Nook at Randolph and Hamline will rebuild the place after a fire. Things burned in the fire include: a yellow jacket worn for 30 years by former owner Mickey Brausen, a Paul Molitor bat, Joe Mauer baseball cards, a Matt Birk football, and other things from annals of Cretin-Durham lore.
Headline: Crosby Lake study still flowing along
Reporter: Jane McClure
Short short version: The Capital Region Watershed District is studying Crosby Lake (along the Mississippi) to see how to improve the water quality there. There is some talk of dredging.
Headline: Longfellow Station lives; Developer takes over upgrade of Hiawatha corner
Reporter: Kevin Driscoll
Short short version: A developer is actually moving forward with a plan to build mixed-use commercial/residential buildings at the site of the Purina Mills factory along the Hiawatha LRT line. The plan is for two five-story residential buildings, and 40K sq. ft. of retail. "Nearly all of the financing is in place."
Headline: Report suggests parking meters, permits for Central Corridor
Reporter: Jane McClure
Short short version: St Paul's Public Works and Planning and Economic Development departments released a report that recommends parking meters for spaces along the University Avenue LRT line. "Business owners" are displeased. There will also be permit parking along side streets a block on either side of University.
Headline: City considers zoning for higher density in Highland Village
Reporter: Jane McClure
Short short version: The Highland District Council is thinking about upping new mixed-use Traditional Neighborhood zoning at Ford and Cleveland from TN-2 to TN-3, which would allow for taller buildings. Article includes specific recommendations by "city staff": The "Sister Rosalind Gefre Wellness Center" should be rezoned for multi-family residential, The former Pinehurst Bank building should be zoned TN, the Firestone complete Auto Care store should be switched from industrial to business zoning, and the National Tire and Battery should retain its business zoning.
Thank heaven for the handicapped! If not for them, St Paul would have us all taking turns where ever there is a sidewalk cafe.
Four feet, though, will still require walking single-file on the rare occasion that two groups of pedestrians meet in St Paul.
I love a good sidewalk cafe, and even feel some fondness for bad sidewalk cafes, but if there isn't 8 feel left for walking, cafes shouldn't be allowed.
Can you post a chart of sidewalk coffee shops ? it would be so nice!
I think this is one of the most important information for me. And i am glad reading your article. But want to remark on some general things, The site style is wonderful, the articles is really nice : D.
Good job, cheers
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