...the view from the sidewalks of Minneapolis and Saint Paul...
Reading the Highland Villager #130
[Basically the problem is that the best source of Saint Paul streets & sidewalks news is the Highland Villager, a very fine and historical newspaper. This wouldn't be a problem, except that its not available online. You basically have to live in or frequent Saint Paul to read it. That's why I'm reading the Highland Villager. Until this newspaper goes online, sidewalk information must be set free.]
Headline: Six-story Shepard road project get height
variance; Neighbors say apartment building is too tall for river site
Author: Jane McClure
Short short version: A new building planned for the
far southwest edge of town is 18.5’ too tall for its zoning code, but received
a variance from the Planning Commission. Neighbors are appealing the variance
to the City council on the grounds that it is too close to the river valley to
receive a variance for added height [The rationale there being that views of
the river valley ought to be preserved, which is an odd concept to me given the
huge amounts of development and transformation that have occurred in the river
valley generally speaking, for example the airport, the freeway bridges, or the
way in which the water level is artificially kept high through the locks and
dams in order to maintain barge transportation. What is or is not considered
“natural” is entirely artificial.] The proposed building will have 210
apartments and some mixed use components, and is the first part of a larger
development on the end of West 7th and Shepard. The site is
undergoing some zoning and regulatory changes which would make the proposed
height acceptable with a conditional use permit. There are questions about
whether the proposed building is mixed-use, if only about 1% of the space is
“retail” or “offices.” Strict requirements about what is or is not mixed-use do
not currently exist. [That should probably exist. Getting some actual retail in
this area would be a nice change, given the existing homogeneity.]
Headline: Commission OKs plan for four-story
redevelopment in Highland Village [Q: Is ‘Highland Village’ a well-defined
geographic concept? Like where does it start and end? If you try to leave does 'Rover' come chase you down?]
Author: Jane McClure
Short short version: Plans to transform a building
that used to be an [Edina] realty office into a 4-story mixed-use apartment
building were approved by the Planning Commission. There will be 109 parking
spaces. [More than is required by cit y code, a truly Highland thing to do.]
Article includes quote from a commissioner that development like this is
“legal” and that “the city has taken a position in its comprehensive plan that
it supports greater density on transit corridors such as Cleveland.” [That
sounds entirely too reasonable.] There are three petitions in opposition to the
building. Quotes from neighbors include: “The project really doesn’t fit into
the neighborhood; it’s just not common sense” and “This will erode the quality
of life.”
Headline: Ford site planning meeting held
Author: Jane McClure
Short short version: There will be [was] a meeting
abut bike and transit plans for the Ford plant site.
TCS: Headline: Study of highway.5/Shepard Road now
in motion; possible realignment prompted by traffic, area developments
Author: Jane McClure
Short short version: The city had a meeting about a
study they are doing that would try to re-direct through traffic along the
unpeople’d Shepard Road instead of the [relatively] dense populated West 7th
area. CM Tolbert would like to see “a solid public-based study to guide any future
decisions.” Nobody knows how much anything would cost, whether it would work,
or who would pay for it. [Preliminary results from the study show that West 7th
carries a surprisingly small amount of ‘through’ traffic, so that only about
25% or so of the total would be removed if a more direct connection was made to
Shepard and 35E. I think most engineers and planners would have estimated a
higher amount than that.]
Headline: Task forces rank plethora of proejcts
seeking CIB dollars
Author: Jane McClure
Short short version: [All the things in Saint Paul
are pitted against each other in a Darwinian struggle to the death: falling
down bridge vs. rec center playground vs. bike path vs. fire station
improvements…. FIGHT!]
Headline: Starbucks proposed for vacant lot at
Marshall and Snelling; Coffee shop; S drive-thru lanes disappoint Merriam Park committee members
Author: Jane McClure
Short short version: There are plans to build a
coffee shop in a vacant lot at a key corner [in an currently almost unwalkable
but potentially walkable area]. It will be one story and have drive thru lanes.
Article includes quote from neighborhood group: “I hate the idea of a
drive-thru,” and “it would be a traffic nightmare.” [See also.] Curb cuts are an issue. The Starbucks would move here from
the Snelby corner, where it currently exists. [This is kind of like the way in
which the Walgreens is moving across the street downtown.] Article includes
some descriptions of how people could drive around with their coffee. [Just
park your car and get out of your car and walk in and get your coffee and then
walk out and get back in your car with your coffee and drive with your coffee.
Free idea: they should build a building that looks like the “freight house”
Dunn Brothers, with only 4 parking spaces and 19th century bricks.]
Any drive-thru would need a variance and a conditional use permit.
Headline: Midway Center owner considers
smaller-scale redevelopment; High cost of new streets, parking ramps and parks
waylays ambitious plan to redevelop all 35 acres
Author: Jane McClure
Short short version: The plans to redevelop the
[horribly ugly and empty] parking lots and strip malls at Snelling University
by set of building a mixed-use buildings and re-integrating the street grid are
more epxensive than originally hoped [because of a $40M parking ramp, even
though the site right next to two of the region’s largest transit projects] so
the property owner is considering only re-developing part of the site. The
smaller portion would be where the one-story strip mall with the liquor store
is currently. Earlier plans to move a Walgreens [See also the rother moving
Walgreens] into an old bank are mysteriously missing. The Met Council is
involved because they own a parcel by the freeway.
Headline: Work begins on Minnehaha in Mpls,
Author: Kevin Driscoll
Short short version: [Meanwhile, in some city to the
West…] A street [that might have had a protected bike lane but won’t] will be
reconstructed in four-block segments. It will have bike lanes. Businesses are
worried about construction. [It’s really weird to read a Villager article about
bike lanes and street construction and small businesses and parking taking place in a city
that actually supports bike lanes, bicycling, and walking. It kind of takes all
the sturm und drang out of the experience.]
Headline: St. Paulites weigh in on new residential
design standards; Teardown controversy comes to a head with May 8 public
Author: Jane McClure
Short short version: First sentence: “Years of cuts
to historic preservation budgest and a lack of attention to the city’s historic
resources have set the stage for the current controversy over residential
teardowns in St. Paul, according to preservation advocates.” [This is sort of weird to me because I thought teardowns were mostly about economics, and
changing tastes in housing styles and sizes. Which preservation budget are they
referring to here?] Aritlce is about the proposed design standards that are
meant to counteract the “teardown” trend in the southwest part of the city that
has seen houses being torn down and replaced with larger houses in nice neighborhoods. The design standards, which would be applied citywide, would
control setbacks and height relative to nearby properties, and “reduce the
maximum coverage of homes and other structures on a residential lot.” People in
neighborhood groups are worried that they don’t understand the implications of
the new standards because fo the fast timeline [as am I]. There is a new group
that has formed called “Save Our St. Paul Neighborhoods” [or SOSPN]. There is
discussion of historic districts and conservation districts. Article includes
interesting detail: “Between 1996 and 2005, onlky one St. Paul property – the building that housed the former Coney Island bar and restaurant in downtown –
was designated historic.” [Entirely inaccurate to say that the Original Coney
island is a “former… bar and restaurant.” They still exist; they are still
“open”; I had a hot dog there last year. It’s just that their hours are a bit
Headline: Council finds Grand Ave. house can no
longer be used as student rental
Author: Jane McClure
Short short version: A house that was previously
rented to students for 10 years will not longer be allowed to be rented to
students because the owners did not file paperwork. The house is very close to
existing student rental houses. [Students are not a protected class,” so it’s
OK to discriminate against them without shame or feeligns of guilt.] Article
includes quote: “to me, only the most absentee of absentee landlords can claim
ignorance of the law.”[Oh well, sucks
to be those people. Also, it sucks to be a student in Saint Paul paying high
rent because of an ordinance that doesn’t really solve the problem of bad
behavior. Shouldn’t students be living on Grand Avenue?]
Headline: St. Paul stiffens sanctions against stores
that violate business license
Author: Jane McClure
Short short version: Conveince stores who aren’t
selling smokes correctly will now be uanlbe to re-open under the license of a
family member. [OR something.] The city is struggling to come up with ways to
penalize corner stores that break the law and sell smokes to minors. They’re
trying to be creative about it.
Headline: A cup of joe and a community’s trust;
Corner Drug’s soda fountain is refurbished in wake of an accident bu the coffee
is still just a nickel
Author: James McKenzie
Short short version: A [very cool] pharmacy where
you can still buy coffee for a nickel that had a car drive into the side of it
[off of the very busy and poorly deisgned Mn-DOT road, Snelling Avenue] is up
and running again. [See also.] Article includes many charming and
nostalgiac details about the history of the business. Article includes the
statement: “Computer technology has changed exponentially since the 1980s.”
Headline: Off the beaten path; West End woman
assembles pieces needed to turn an unslightly stretch along I-24E into a thing
of beauty
Author: Larry Englund
Short short version: A gardener is trying to
landscape and improve the [weird and unsightly] 35E bike path along the freeway
sound wall by planting trees, perennails, vines, and grasses. Article includes
detail: “there were lots of (homeless) encampments.”
I'm really baffled by the uproar to the whole tear down thing. So many positives about the whole situation. People investing in St Paul...Improved destiny (assuming bigger means more people)...higher taxes base...so many houses need to get torn down (I type this staring out the window at a potential future tear down next door).
The place that got torn down on James sold for $200k. How crappy does a place have to be to sell for $200k in this neighborhood.
Wonder how much some of the bigger houses over by UST that are now rentals are screwing up the supply and demand for bigger houses in the area.
Nice work appreciate your perspectives despite the differences. #SaveRayandJoe
I'm really baffled by the uproar to the whole tear down thing. So many positives about the whole situation. People investing in St Paul...Improved destiny (assuming bigger means more people)...higher taxes base...so many houses need to get torn down (I type this staring out the window at a potential future tear down next door).
The place that got torn down on James sold for $200k. How crappy does a place have to be to sell for $200k in this neighborhood.
Wonder how much some of the bigger houses over by UST that are now rentals are screwing up the supply and demand for bigger houses in the area.
Nice work appreciate your perspectives despite the differences. #SaveRayandJoe
Hi Jane,
Can you contact me/ Having a hard time reaching out via Villager and watned to discuss 1623 James (my house) for an article.
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