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[A Villager in a sunbeam.] |
Headline: Neighbors appeal approval of Grand apartment project; fear building near UST would add to student parking issues
Author: Jane McClure
Short short version: A developer wants to build a four-unit building on Grand Avenue. Neighbors are concerned about traffic, parking, and the presence of students. The BZA approved the variances it needed. Quote from neighbor: "There's just no room left on this block."
Headline: Mayor digs in, vows to appeal court order for referendum
Author: Jane McClure
Short short version: People who don't like city-organized trash collection sued and a judge found in their favor but the city will still pay garbage trucks to pick up garbage and are appealing. [Sounds expensive! Thanks garbage people. Here's a blogpost I wrote about this from two years ago! This is embarrassing for Saint Paul.]
Headline: Design standards create a palette for Ford redevelopment; Guidelines for buildings, landscaping get public hearing on June 28
Author: Jane McClure
Short short version: The city is going to create guidelines [not rules] for things like building materials and landscaping for the new buildings that will be built. There are lots of little details about things like streetscapes. People want to avoid the "canyon effect." People can send in comments.
Headline: Study revives interest in Greenway extension; railroad bridge redesign would link Mpls./St. Paul bike and pedestrian trails
Author: Jane McClure
Short short version: A trail nonprofit commissioned a study to look at whether its possible to put bike access on the bridge over the river where the Greenway ends. It might cost between $8M and $28M. If that happens, a bike trail could also connect on Ayd Mill Road. [instead, we're spending $3.5M to repave it for cars.] The railroad seems uncooperative. [This would be a gamechanger for bicycling in Saint Paul and immediately vault the city into the top rank of US cities for bicycling infrastructure. Picture Saint Paul on the cover of national magazines... You'd think we'd find the money for this.]
Headline: Highland District's 10-year plan gets public hearing June 28
Author: Jane McClure
Short short version: A neighborhood is coming up with a plan for itself. Some things include things like pedestrian safety and encouraging walking,, bicycling, and transit. Also things like building design and mixed-use.
Headline: Pedestrian plan strides toward healthier, more resilient St. Paul
Author: Jane McClure
Short short version: The city has a plan now for improving walking, filling in sidewalk gaps and creating safer streets, etc. Neighbors would like to see better snow and ice removal in the winter.
Headline: Last-minute scramble pays off with a Grand Old Day worthy of its name
Author: Jane McClure
Short short version: Grand Old Day, when people walk around on Grand Avenue and there are no cars, almost was not going to happen but then it did. [You'd think this long-standing event would help business people on Grand realize that designing the street for walking shoudl be the #1 priority, instead of all the complaints about parking.] A lot of people came. There was even a parade. The weather was nice. The business association will be "looking at its future." [I hope it includes more density and emphasis on walking.]
Headline: Spring flooding shortens summer season in city parks
Author: Jane McClure
Short short version: The Mississippi River was high and some parts of parks were closed because they were underwater. [Cleaning this up costs the city millions.]
Headline: Time may have run out on proposed Cleveland bike lanes
Author: Jane McClure
Short short version: Some people want bike lanes on Cleveland Avenue south of Ford Parkway but the city says they cannot do it. Instead, sharrows. [Pretty much useless, those are.]
Headline: Postponing street repaving is no longer an option in St. Paul
Author: Jane McClure
Short short version: You cannot tell the city to screw off any more when they come to fix up your street.
Headline: City eyes $15M in capital projects
Author: Jane McClure
Short short version: The city will spend money on stuff, including a fire station, fixing a downtown bridge, new sidewalks on Randolph Avenue, and some downtown parks.
Headline: Opus adjusts proposal for five-story senior complex along Lilydale bluffs
Author: Kevin Driscoll
Short short version: This is in Mendota, but someone wants to build housing for old people and others do not like it because of erosion or views. They are setting it back a bit more and changing he shape of the building from an E to an S. [Can I buy a vowel?]
Headline: Demand continues to exceed supply for new senior housing; despite new apartment projects that are under construction locally
Author: Jane McClure
Short short version: Some new apartments are being built, but not enough. Older people want somewhere nice to live in Saint Paul.
Locations of newstands, p.s. its called the Villager. I think they dropped the "Highland" 20 years ago..
It'll always be the Highland Villager in my heart.
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