
Notable Quotes #15: Gareth Hiebert, aka. Oliver Towne, describes Saint Paul c. 1958

This town is a blend of old and new, both in people and architecture. The quicksand of the rollicking river town of more than a century ago has solidified into a firm foundation of grace and poise.

Out of it all has come a personality called Saint Paul.

At 9 a.m. at Fourth and Wabasha when the Minnesota Mutual Life chimes announce the day's work has begun; and at 5 p.m. when, as you cross the bridges toward home, the chimes ring out a mellow farewell that tolls across the jagged top of the skyline and carry far up and down the valley.

Day or night, the city is my beat. To roam at will, scour and prowl, examine and study, note and report, from the vantage points.

[From the Pioneer Press, 1958, as seen on display in a shop window in 2019.]

[Saint Paul's Seven Corners, 1958.]

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