[A city bus vandalized by Hecker's vision for America.]
I have seen this ad go by me on buses around town a few times before, but it's always been traveling too fast. I haven't been able to whip my digital camera out of its holster and snap damning evidence of the accursed thing.
But this time, the #16 was loping along University Avenue, and I saw my chance. Pursuing it on my bicycle, camera-in-pocket, I caught the elusive Denny Hecker face and got proof of his poisonous message.
Nobody Walks?
Is Denny Hecker living in a sci-fi movie?

[The new Denny Hecker action figure.]
The message is clever. Nobody walks (without a loan) but also because of how awfully fat America is.
Denny Hecker will get it soon enough. Most of his clientele will default on those high interest loans and he'll be sunk. (i hope)
yeah, i agree that it's an effective ad. picture yourself late for work and waiting for the bus in the cold as 'not your bus' goes by with hecker's fat, grinning mug plastered on it
I've been wanting to get a shot of that one and it's companion that says something like Denny's Green! I think its meant to suggest he's selling hybrids, which as we know are much better for the environment than walking.
Just in case anyone wants to leave Mr. Hecker some love, here's the only way I could find via the internt to contact him:
I've seen that sign around. Seems like a very weird ad tagline.
The Hecker slogan “No body walks” is in reference to the automotive group’s ability to get anyone financed for a new car. Not all auto loans through Denny Hecker are high interest. It depends on the bank that offers the loan. Not all of Mr. Hecker’s clients have bad credit either, most do not actually. The point of this ad to inform people that “Hey, if you are struggling financially, we are here to help.”
The “Going Green” ad is in reference to Advantage Rent A Car, which Mr. Hecker owns. He is working toward creating a hybrid only rental fleet.
That's all well and good, but even you, anonymous, has to admit that there is a double meaning to "nobody walks!"...
why are you anonymous? r u Hecker or Will plummer??
what effort .. You must be one of his biggest fans!
Nice photography ... The figurine doesnt resemble him at all .. You should have chosen super man... Much better fit !
dp- you must be a Hecker employee- how else would you know the name Will Plummer?
hecker is involved in something pretty bad. there is now a rummer going around that his dealerships are bouncing payroll checks....possibly the petters deal.
I was told that someone wanted to know if I was a poster on this blog. Not until now have I even seen it. Who are you? I dont hide behind anonymous. How many times did you work for DH? How many times have you tried to come back to work for the company?
Denny Hecker and his employees are the biggest scammers ever. They will lie. I used to work at the dealership. I am too nice of a person to work there ever again. Denny never even cared to meet his sales people. Drove his stupid $250k Mercades around. He is money hungry, thats it. Do you know he makes about $900.00 off of every car that is sold, and the employee wouldnt even make 500 off of it. 25 dealerships.Complete bullshit. I even had my car serviced there. They stole a $600 dollar watch out of it, messed with the car. I have had my car a year and have had to put 3000 into it. They sell lemons. Make sure to check the carfax on it. I remember they sold a lexus for 35k and there was something wrong with the engine. They sold it as if it was in perfect shape. BEWARE of Denny and his dealerships... Now should I spam Dennys email?
They make a whole $900 of every car with an average sale price of nearly $20,0000?????? And the employee doesnt make $500?? How much of the rent/taxes/utilities/floorplan expense does the salesperson pay? You are barking up the wrong tree. Every dealer in town tries to maintain an average profit higher than what you state so they can cover all expenses (of which employees are one of highest percentage wise) "they" stole your watch?? Did you report it to someone? With a 3 year warranty the engine of every car they sell with less than 100k miles on it I dont see thebenefit in selling it with a problem if they have to fix it. and if they sold it and then fixed it what is the problem? Every dealer in the world sells a car that has an issue on occasion. machines sometimes break. remember the space shuttle? Good luck in your current career!
Everybody needs to calm down. If you have enough free time to blog here as many times as some of you do, you must need a job, so go get one and stop feeding to the lies and propaganda. Since I have the morning off, I will post here once to try to set some things straight, since i still have a job at D.H. and I am so busy there I can't even sit down. If you lost a job from Hecker, you must not have been good enough to stay hired on or it wasnt right for you and you quit, just the facts of job-life. The car biz is a tough place to be right now, but those of us who still have a job in it are just thankful we are employed in the economy we live in.
I can personally attest to the fact that the check thing was inconvenient, but it is resolved now and is being fixed as quickly as Hecker can possibly get it fixed, you have no clue what it would be like to deal with something like that with as many checks go out on a daily basis, so don't criticize. Changing banking providers for all the funds he holds would be a daunting task for an army of accountants, changing a bank account for your $10.00 balance is probably gonna go pretty smoothly. Yes, in a perfect scenario, nothing bad would have happened, can't change it now, but things are going well now in that regard. Those who do work for D.H. work as hard as they can and hope to be rewarded with another week of work just like any other work environment, labor, sales, or whatever.
Hecker trains his sales force better than any other dealer group in my opinion, offers an awesome warranty on used cars, plus a return(not exchange) policy, so the customer can be happy for a very long time.
In regards to the Lexus, as with all used cars, some times there will be a problem, but I have personally seen customers be helped months after the sale to keep them happy when Hecker didn't have to help them. Not such a bad guy if you ask me. So what if I havent met him yet, maybe someday I will, maybe not. He's understandably busy, and when he gets to it, great, but I honestly don't have time to worry about that, I need to sell my product, so that is my goal everyday. You are all whiners and probably will never be happy.
"Nobody Walks"?, so what? Not everyone lives in the metro area and can ride a bike for transportation like you, some of us need a car...soooo, that means if you "walk" in, we will do what ever we can so you don't "walk" out without a car, or so you don't have to "walk" to work if you need a car, or "walk" your daughter to daycare or "walk" to the gym to "walk" on a treadmill.(grin) We will show you how to make it work, we won't tell you,"Sorry!, can't get you financed!", like so many other lots have to do. Sure your credit may be terrible and the interest will be high, deal with it,...or the economy is so screwed up that the banks are scared now and have more stips, but our finance office is still gonna try to get the customer funded.
Your take on the context of that "Nobody Walks" slogan is so literal that I am sure if you did work for D.H., you were fired for not being qualified to merit a paycheck. I hear Mickey-d's is hiring, try them out, and good day to you!
Dude, his Entire buisness is smoke and mirrors. Denny has run his credit out with everyone, declaring bankruptcy, and is going to put hundreds out of jobs. I know very littel about the man himself ( I here he is an egotist ) But i can tell you from what I have seen of his overall performance that he LIVES OFF CREDIT! He's up to his ears in debt and cant make Money off of a single buisness he has from his Dealarships to Advantage Rent-A-Car. He is SO upside down on everything that it makes sense to me that if he dosen't perform shady deals he would have sunk long ago. The Car companies have cut off his funding, and since he cant make a dime on any of his buisnesses, he goes under because he has..well... NOTHING of his own to show for all the years hes been in buisness. Maybe he should sell that nice Mercades of his and try to help his company so all of these much loved employees dont loose their jobs? But we all know what he will really do don't we? Take everything he can out of his buisness interests and SCREW the people that work for him. Sorry Hecker Fans, thats just the way it will proably go down.
Hecker doesn't need to be a criminal himself, that's what his staff is for. I worked for him also, and the things they expected you to do were criminal, take good known parts off vehicles and replace them with bad ones, just because business was slow. And it got worse from there.
DUDE! Who doesn't live off of credit? That is a empty argument. This whole country is borrowed.You can't fault denny for financing his dealerships any more than any other lot. The difference is that cerberus is a bunch of crooks, and know nothing about the car biz.I can attest that he is trying his best to stay afloat like anyone else, and he did not file bankruptcy. You need to get your facts straight before you start spewing your lies.
Your right, your right, it says hes EXPECTED to file chapter 11Bankruptcy, I will correct myself. I correct myself as Chrysler loads up every car on Advantage Rent-A-Cars lot and loads them onto trucks and have reps waiting by the return bay to load any that come back... Hmmmm....Everyone lives on credit but I do not see these Trucks out in front of say... HERTZ! or AVIS, or even Dinky Thrifty or Dollar who are in the same boat. i bet his dealerships are having similar repos. If My credit were pulled today, I would live fine, so NO NOT EVERYONE lives on credit. Hes Finished.
relax...he and his dealerships will be gone shortly...yes, there is a santa claus!
Johnathan, Plymouth MN
The freaks whining about him living off credit no doubt live in a damn Fridgidaire box under a bridge.
Jealousy is all I get out of it. Your a loser who NEVER took a risk in your life cause you have no balls.
I have never bought a car from him or worked there. I am self employed and understand the DAILY risks that come with that. If it werent for risk takers there would be no jobs for losers like you.
If McD gets credit cut off they are screwed too. So your gourmet meals would again have be stolen from others. Grow some balls and go do something that will benefit someone other than you own wothless ass!!
let me tell you a little bit about Denny Hecker....I remember Denny back in the 1990's when he worked in Orlando Florida....and was involved in some pretty krap down here....the guy he was doing business with here was fired for embezzlement from a major corporation here in Florida...i have insideknowledge...because...I was working for a company that was directly effected by that scam....big bucks involved !!!
Denny also owned a company called Walden Leasing which was headquartered in Minneapolis at that time which was part of the scam.....do your homework you'll see !!!!
You pricks are bickering back and forth like lil girls fighting for the last tampon. While im still working for the heckster knowing that im weeks away,if not days from losing my job which helps me to provide for my family. Oh and the fact that its perfect timing with christmas and my lil girls bday. DEAL WITH IT which is what i plan to do with no hesitation to sacrifice. Which is what this economy is. Obama is the new President and Bush is out(dumbass) STOP BITCHING ENJOY LIFE FOR WHAT IT IS AN MOVE FORWARD...
Maybe he got an anonymous survey that wasn't in HIS favor...All I can say is Karma is a bitch isn't it Denny?
Your right, we are bickering too much over all this. He's not worth it. Alot of buisnesses like his are starting to fold, and right around the holidays, it sucks for alot of people. And as far as risk taking goes, you can take risks without being a crook! Your still in buisness, which means you did SOMETHING RIGHT! Congrads! As far as my Gormet meals at Mc D's well, I could go without them... BUT I WOULD MISS THE FRIES! But I doubt Mc D's would get their credit pulled because... I don't know.. THEY MAKE THEIR PAYMENTS? Maybe? I'm not sure. But heres a Prime example of what he has ordered his staff to do. I was talking with a car cleaning agent from Advantage Friday, I was going to maybe offer to help him with a job in Security, Since he was soon going to have no job, guess what he told me? As the cars were being loaded up onto trucks and repossed he said his "Upper Managers" had told the managers there and him that they were just making room for newer cars from Chrysler and cycling the old ones out and that new cars would be there in a few weeks, that NONE of the staff were in danger of losing their JOBS and not to listen to rumors! Thats where the line is between a risk taker and a CROOK! Tell me I'm Wrong?
The "nobody walks" refers to Denny Heckers plan get people moving again. Excuse me, he's referring to working out. He doesn't care about selling cars or loans or any of that stuff!! Denny cares about you and your health. Thank you Denny!!
HA, reading these posts makes me laugh... having supported the WAG computers, I know what he is all about... and it's not pretty. BTW, How is the Mortgage business going for you Denny? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
Funny to see the scammer get his... I bet Roger Mooty is finally getting his last laugh!
Let's see.... his wife, who was a high priced hooker when they met, is divorcing him, he is involved in the Petters deal, he has a 22 million dollar home up north in Minnesota-not to mention the others hw owns around the great USA, he has a girlfriend on the side he puts up in a high class neighborhood downtown, and let none of us forget the 400+ employees he put out on the curb right before Christmas.... I am betting he is leaving the country within a month, how about you?? Nice apology letter in the Pioneer Press last Sunday also :(
Well here's another one for all you Denny Hecker lovers out there- the 400 people who he put out of jobs last week have NOT to my knowledge, gotten their final paychecks yet AND are not getting the vacation pay that they had coming. Have a nice holiday there Denny!
Well as if we all hve not heard enough. There is even more. For those of you that have purchased vehicles over the last 60 days and cannot figure out why you do not have plates yet. Well the staff at all of the Denny Hecker stores have not been allowed to cut ANY checks for well over two months now. And that means checks for ANYTHING. I am one of those 400 employees that still has not received my final paycheck and they have not made the November check that did not clear good yet either. There are vendors out there that are owed THOUSANDS of dollars and cannot afford to pay their employees either because of Denny not paying what he owes. The wrath of Denny extends far beyond the 400 employees and their familes.
Thanks Denny-that is sure good people helping good people. GREAT CULTURE Barbara!
I have to agree with the majority of the people leaving comments. I was one of the many stores that were closed last week. I think it is a shame to put everyone out of a job right before the holidays expecially since everyone in my district put alot of years and hard work into Advantage Rent A Car. When he bought the company 2 years ago things were great, I guess when we started getting collection calls from vendors who haven't been paid for services over 4 months later, we should have seen the red flag then.
I can say that I did know Denny personally, long ago.I will not state how but I can say that I knew him very well and his entire family as too. He is erogent and the true sterotype of an Alpha Male type personallity. if you were in his circle than you were rewarded very kindly. All the time. But at a drop of the dime it could change and you are out. Money makes some people feel like they rule the world and at times he acted as if he did. I know he has been involved in some very shady things, but I can not state what exactly. Karma works in wierd ways.
Anyone who has been recently emplyed by Denny Hecker PLEASE READ!
There are things that you should be made aware of ASAP!
Call Diversified Investmetns (the ones that control the 401K) and ask them the last time the Mr. Wonderful (better known as Mr. Hecker) actually ut the money that was taken out of your pay check into your 401K. It has been A LONG TIME! VERY LONG TIME! And when Diversified calls Corporate and asks for payment, they tell them they cannot advise when the funds will be forwarded.
Also-check your Social Security benefits, your child support, your Medica coverage (if you still have any)-the funds that Denny is with holding is magically not finding its way to the person to whom it was intended. There is not one of us who truly know how bad this will really be at the end of the day!!!!
hahahahahahahaha this is comical Denny is a smart man. he knows what he is doing. for all of these people blogging here bad stuff about him. GET A LIFE! or a job;)
I like they way Hecker closed 6 stores and sold 3 others and knew for weeks he was going to do it but did not warn any of his employees that it was coming. He actually had it set up with Fedex to deliver notices to those employees for Saturday morning to let them know that not only were they now unemployeed but he also would not be paying them vacation time that he owed them. WOW way to be a part of the community Denny! The man and his corporate back stabbers will soon enough burn in hell! And you people that leave positive anonymous messages about Hecker obviously work for Hecker corporate and you will loose your jobs and burn in hell right next to him.
I forgot to add, Bob Cozatt IS A PIECE OF SHIT!! This man needs to be run over by one of those busses with Hecker plastered all over it! I would like to find him alone in a dark parking lot at night. This man is one of the biggest corporate back stabbers Hecker has working for him. If you work for Hecker still watch out for this piece of shit.
hahahahahaha i am so cool. i ride a bike around town with a camera looking for denny hecker ads. um CREEPER. get a life.. oh and i dont work for hecker. I AM YOUR MOTHER. THAT IS WHO I AM.
oh and for the person who said hecker has been involved in "shadey" activitys but you cant tell. What are these secret "shadey" activitys he has been involved in. thats right you cant tell BECAUSE IT NEVER HAPPENED.. GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT YOUNG MAN
Well finally what goes around comes around. BYE BYE Bob Cozatt! For those of you that are waiting for the other show to drop-it is coming and that it will be very soon! GOOD RIDDENS to all of you who drink the Hecker Kool Aid and have screwed everyone over for so many years! You have screwed the public out of so much money and so many people have paid the price. And Barbara preaches about culture-how about paying your bills.
Thanks alot Denny! Because of your overblown ego you've managed to bounce 400 people out on the street. Meanwhile you sit there whining about how you've been mistreated by Chrysler financial and still collect a paycheck. I hope you rot in hell next to your good buddy Tom Petters!
Denny Hecker's staff sold me and my boyfriend 2 vehicles within 3 weeks last year and now my boyfriend is gone and I am stuck with one car @ 18.97% interest and the other (a truck) at 19.75%. No one will give me anything for either because I'm so upside down on them so I'm totally screwed....thanks Denny
Yikes! That majorly sucks.
Your the dumbass that signed for the car deal with the interest rate... Im guessing you dont pay your bills so thats why you pay so much. Dont thank Denny, he got you in a car thank yourself for dropping out of high school or not reading the contract!!!
If Denny was doing things like Petters he would of gone down a while ago with how many people Jealous of his genius Decisions to be where he is today. He started from nothing hes got balls.. You wish you could live a day in his shoes!!!
Denny Heckers the man, known him well for 20 years , not perfect but deep down a good guy! Sometimes things don t workout as we wish, sorry! I ve been ripped off by several people, never Denny! Most people like to blame others for their poor choices...Denny will be alright,I like the bus picture, know where I can get one? We are in deep shit, God Bless America!By the way shitty credit equals high interest! He is Denny responsible for your bad credit? Okay now you can walk!!!Robert Abraham never an empolyee just a fan!!!
Yes, I must add if there was ever a man who needed terminal cancer it would be Bob Cozatt. It's a shame his mother's maternity plans didn't include abortion, however I must say if he wasn't around he wouldn't be here to beat to a pulp. I hope you read this, Bob, and show it off at WBLM like the last one, being the self-rightous prick you are. Do the world a favor- go get the IAM union handbook, start eating it, and don't stop until you're dead.
I must agree with the comments made about Bob..the prick..cotex.He destroyed the service department at the ford store in stillwater and now he will destroy the service department at White bear Lincoln.
look out randy lee, this guy is one big bull shit.
Randy Lee knows exactly what he is getting into with Bob Cozatt. Bob is just like Mark Lanceman, comes into a store and gets the numbers up in a huryy by smoke and mirrors and screwing everyone over. But after a year has gone by, the truth comes out and after all of the customers have been screw and beat to hell, the CSI goes in the toilet and then he starts to fire everyone to protect himself. Mark and Bob will screw anyone to make themselves look better. I got fired after 15 plus years with Denny, why-because someone had to go to take the heat off of Mark. They are two peas in a pod. Not one write up or one bad thing in my file, but I was let go because I was not needed, but there was Mark and his fat a-- sitting in the chair ready to go.
Mark, Bob, Barbara, Donna and Denny Hecker-if there is a hell-you will ALL burn in it for the way you have treated people!
Wow!!! This bob guy must be who people say he is....Thanks for the headsup and I will not have WBlincoln working on my vehicle.
If you are interested in reaching denny hecker personally try dennyhecker@dennyhecker.com
That is his personal email
Or try heckerauto@aol.com
Will it EVER end? Ok, here is the latest and greatest! Denny issues pay checks last Tuesday and says do not cash them until Friday-who does that? AND NOW, the employees just found out that they have no health insurance effective April 1st. Will the drama ever end, will the employees ever figure out that this boat that they are on is going to be the death of them all!
I am thinking that those "inside Denny's circle" that are still around, are getting exactly what they deserve. Pat, Mark, Will, Joe, Barbara, you all know who you are.
May god be with you when you all crumble and you have to tie your name to the organization that is on the cover of the Automotive News stating that he is all but closed. He owes Chrysler $700 plus million dollars, bad payroll checks, no health insurance now I hear, and your names are all tied to that! KARMA KARMA KARME
What comes around goes around.
Don't forget Bob cozatt, I under stand a mechanic quit at WBLincoln because of this guy.
Nah nah nah nah hey hey good bye!!!The SS Hecker is going down and will slip beneath the waves very soon. Bye bye Denny!!
I worked for Denny 8 years.
This blog is a riot to read!!
I'm not going to bad mouth anybody, I just hope all my frieds that still work at the remaining dealers get paid up what they are owed before too long. This no checks deal is bogus.
Does anyone think that Denny reads this? Someone should send him a copy-feel the love Denny? And Barbra's response, everyting is ok, and we did not have time to tell everyone about the situation. But all payrol will be made up by Friday. Which Friday? Just a thought, I am guessing that I am guessing that your payroll check has gone through and that you are paid. But god forbid you pay the workers, and give the truth. Do any of you even know what the truth is anymore? I was never such a horrible person as I was when I was in the sales management for Denny. The person I became, the person that they wanted me to be. And Donna tries to act holy. PLEASE!
Denny is the devil-he always has been!
I worked in the auto sales industry, and when Hecker's organization started to close we saw some of their managers and sales people. If you are aware of any dealership employing a manager from one of the Hecker stores, DO NOT PURCHASE AN AUTO THERE! Enough said. Not to be trusted!
And if you are an auto dealer that employs them, I would terminate them at once and save you and your organization any future troubles.
Some of you people are so fricken stupid I can't believe what I am reading. The comment about if you employ any of Hecker's former employees is totally rediculous! It is not the people who go to work and do their jobs(and are not getting paid)fault that all this is happening, it is the man himself. Wake up stupid people!!
stupid is...what stupid does and it sounds like stupid worked for the hecker group. you sound like you were a manager for the hecker group. You kiss upper managements ass and treat your workers who make the real money for you like crap. remember this,you are only as good as the people that work for you and that's 90% of your job....stupid. if any dealership would hire a manager from the hecker group is asking for trouble.
Come on all of you.. I have never met as many ignorant people anywhere as a whole as in the auto sales industry.
I bet if you looked under the desk of the person taking your credit application you would see that they are wearing a home monitoring device. (Now do you worry about identity theft?)
The auto sales industry is where someone falls to and it is not someplace someone aspires to.
Never trust the managers, why do you think they are unwilling to meet with a customer? Why does the sales person need to go to the manager to get another price after you were already given one that they say is the best deal? Think about that? The sales manager is always trying to pull something. Next time you are looking to purchase an auto, try to deal directly with the manager, but do not forget the sales person that has helped you, they make very little money off any sales (generally around $150.00 for a used and $250.00 for a new).
I worked in this industry for a small period of time. One in three sales managers know what they are doing, the rest are experts at pretending they have any knowledge. I worked at a Chrysler store and the sales manager could not even complete a cost presentation. It was like they had no professional training at all.
Then I worked for another store, and that was a great place; however, in comes a hecker manager. Things changed, at first for the better, or at least they appeared as such. However, this manager had a massive anger and power problem. It will be the end of that person at some time in the future; however, the general sales manager has no clue. Not one bit. From what I hear now that store has its employees fighting (physical and verbal) with terms like the “C” word being shouted on the sales floor.
Now with sales being what they are, I think the price of a car should be the same everywhere, Quit dicking with your customers, offer them a product that they need and service that is tops and you will have a loyal following of customers.
I used the lowercase punctuation for job titles properly.
Well, now no paychecks. No computers. Lawsuit settled for half a billion dollars. GOOD BYE DENNY-
I never thought that even Denny could pull off what he has and treated people the was he is. NO PAY FOR OVER A MONTH-and no one from Corporate will even respond. NICE. Get every last penny that you can and then let the banks take them. Nice Denny-think of the kids that can't eat becasue there mommies and daddies are going to work for YOU everyday and come Friday-you choose not to pay them!
“As through this world I rambled
I have seen lots of funny men
Some will rob you with a six gun
And some will rob you with a pen”.
Woody Guthrie
This is the final Balance Sheet for Advantage Rent-a-Car. This idiot lost -$68 million dollars in the two years he owned it. What a failure. I hear he is still up in Crosslake buying people drinks and trying to be the big man.
Detailed Balance Sheet- new company
For the Period Ending December 8, 2008
Unaudited, Internally Prepared
Balance Sheet
Accounts Receivable· Damages
Allowance for Damages
Accounts Receivable· Trade
Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
AIR Fleet Incentive
AIR Car Sales· Wholesale
AIR Other
Due from ARC Venture Holdings
Accounts Receivable - Other
AIR WRI & Star Shuttle
Accounts Receivable - Related
Inventory - Fleet
Prepaid TTL
Inventory - Net
Work In Process
Buildings & Improvements
Fum., Fixt. & Office Equip.
Accum. Depr. - Fixed Assets
Fixed Assets - Net
Gasoline Inventory
Prepaid Rent
Prepaid Advertising
Deposits & Other Assets
Investment in Subsidiaries
Acquisition Costs
Trademarks & Tradenames
On-Ariport Concession Agreements
Key Referral/Customer Relationships
Accumulated Amortization - Intangibles
Purchase of Eagle RAe
Prepaid and Other Assets
Balance Sheet
For the Period Ending December 8, 2008
Unaudited, Internally Prepared
NIP Rosedale Leasing
Notes payable - Fleet
NIP Bank. of the West
NIP Carlton Financial Corp
Notes Payable - Non-Fleet
Accounts Payable
Customer Deposits
Accrued Sales Tax and Airport Contracts
Payroll Taxes - SIT
Payroll Taxes - FICA & WIH
Payroll Tax - FICA
Payroll - ER Group Health
Payroll - ER Group Dental
Payroll - ER Group Life
Payroll Taxes - SUTA
Payroll Taxes - FUTA
Payroll - USRC
Accrued Salaries
Accrued Vacation
Accrued Auto Liability Insr.
Accrued Other Liability
Accrued Turnback
Accrued Legal and Professional
Reserve-Warrant/Salvage Vehicles
Inter Company
Accrued and Other Liabilities
Car Purchases
Common Stock
Additional Paid In Capital
Retained Earnings· Prior
Retained Earnings - Current
Retained Earnings
That is a lot of money to lose. Just where did you find that statement?
I googled denny hecker and this blog come up and I feel for all of you who worked for the hecker group. I thought I would put my comment in here about WBLincoln and this place has gone down hill BIG TIME....NO CUSTOMER APPRECIATION, where did it go? can any body answer me this.
Could Transcend Communications be in trouble? Paragon Solutions enters telecom market. the timing couldn’t be better!
According to a report from Business Journal, the Vojtas launched Paragon in 2007 after selling telecommunication technology business, Transcend Communications, to auto magnate Denny Hecker. Selling Transcend, which had more than 4,000 customers at the time, required the Vojtas to enter a noncompete clause that prevented Paragon from working with telecommunications.
“That agreement has now been expired,” Maria Vojta said in a press release. According to Business Journal, Paragon is expecting sales of more than $6 million this year.
I thought DH had a lot of money and he was rich. It was all just a big joke. His rise was sort of like a ponzi scheme. What a failure
I had a few interesting energy exchanges with hecker just prior to all of this. Something facinating about it. Always sad to see people go threw things like this, regardless if they asked for it. Keep your chin up denny.... things happen for the best. I'm sure something really positive will come out of all this.
DH Is back!! mike miller, will plummer and barb jericho just made a major purchase of dope weed from mexico, the word is they plan on planting it near DH's estate in N Mpls off dowling, he now owns a .10 acre parcell 1/2 story 1 bedroom house with steel bars. they have one pot plant all 5 went into business to grow and smoke dope! some things never change. Donna risnor is in charge of sealing the baggies and selling dime bags on the street, word is she is over-paid at $5.00 a week. hey milly you and denny have any morphine available?.
Selling Transcend Communications to auto magnate Denny Hecker.
Launching new firm, Paragon Solutions founders keep focus on service
After they sold their telecom services company two years ago, Todd and Maria Vojta had to hang up the phones, so to speak — their noncompete clause kept them from working in telecommunications.
The deal forced the husband-and-wife team to refocus on their next venture, but their emphasis on customer service didn’t change. That’s helped them build a new company, Paragon Solutions Group Inc.,
Paragon sells technology that protects data and helps systems share information. The Vojtas launched it in 2007 after selling their previous company, Transcend Communications, which provided telecommunication technology to businesses, to auto magnate Denny Hecker. Selling Transcend, which had more than 4,000 customers at the time, required the Vojtas to enter a noncompete clause that prevented Paragon from working with telecommunications. (Last month, that clause expired, making room for a healthy Paragon expansion.)
Adjusting from telephones to IP and IT technology has been surprisingly smooth, Todd said. “We knew it had to be done. We had been watching it and learning it.”
Starting Paragon, based in Corcoran, fulfilled a desire to “go deeper” in network providing, CEO Maria said. When the Vojtas started Transcend, Todd already had worked in telecommunications at AT&T Inc. Expanding to IT required a lot of research that Maria, a technology buff, was more than happy to do.
“We had only one focus at Transcend, and we became narrowly focused,” she said. Paragon offered them the chance to step back and include all forms of communication.
One thing that didn’t change from the last company was the Vojtas’ basic business model: keeping customers happy. Todd even hits a philosophical note when he describes his work priorities.
“If you live and breathe it, it’s who you are and not what you say,” said Todd, Paragon’s president.
Jesse Cahman, director of safety and security at North Hennepin Community College in Brooklyn Park, said he’s been happy with Paragon’s service. The company’s worked on changing the college’s recording software and recently won a bid to expand the school’s axis camera installation.
“They’ve reduced my costs be almost 50 percent,” he said. “That’s pretty much why they’ve won both projects.”
By adding telecommunications, Paragon expects to gain an extra 15 customers a month on top of its average monthly addition of 10. It’s growing faster than Transcend was when it was in similar stages.
But the Vojtas are careful not to let their company grow too fast. “We’re taking things very slow, making sure things are right,” Maria said.
If everone, including the news companies would have just read this blog three months ago, then everyone would have been aware long before the State Patrol held their first new conference. This whole deal should have come as no surprise, he stopped paying his bills almost a year ago, everyone was told to STOP cutting checks, PERIOD. Now he is blamming GMAC , his Controllers, Title Clerks, and Office Managers. Whatch out Keith, Dave, Barb, Michelle, Sue, etc. Trust me he will just say he had no knowledge and his employees are responsible. READ THE BLOGS-they all came true in the past and thsi will too!
Does anyone know about Denny's personal life like his wife? It's well known around town that he sees prostitutes. Is he still married and was she a prostitute?
I hear Denny Hecker is going in to the consulting business,who in their right mind would hire this crook. After thinking about it, maybe that other piece of work at WB Lincoln (Cozatt)
The entire US economy is built by Denny Heckers - con men who get rich by screwing everyone else. And now Obama is handing trillions to the bankers and wall street thieves. Rest assured that Denny Hecker will be fine in the end - our system helps crooks and makes the rest of us pay for it. But in the end Denny Hecker and his ilk will experience "what goes around comes around..."
I do not even know where to start anymore. How is this guy not in jail? If any of the rest of us went to Cub and wrote a bad check, we would be locked up long ago. This guy forges a paper to secure 60+ billion dollars from Chrysler and he is still walking around as a free man. What is up that? Please someone please explain!!!!!!!!
If it would have been Hecker or Walser, it wouldnt matter. The fact is, someone needed a vehicle and he could put them in one usually. Bad credit means high interest. Nothing is free. Not saying that the man is good, afterall, the story speaks for itself. He was an arrogant, selfish, big biz man. I feel for the ppl that worked for him. They are the ones that are really screwed. The people that left the lot with a new car were happy when they drove off, now they are pissed? I dont get it.
ya bob c,what a lie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!trust me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bob c is a fake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What do you guys know about Mark Lanceman? Is he a cancer on a dealership or what I hear he is going to a dealer in Fargo, ND should they beware?
thanks for responses
I CANNOT stress enough how much to watch out for Mark Lanceman!! HE is the true definition of a "snake in the grass." He screwed over his brother in law, best friend, and so many others to jsut protect HIS paycheck. He is the king of come in, raise the bottom line by cutting everyones pay, raising the door rate, and slamming everything down every customers throat. Yes, they purchase it that day, but they NEVER come back again, and he just fires somebody to cover the blame and the moves to another store. I again, CANNOT stress enough what this guy is capabale of! He had certain people fooled in Chrysler, and he stil lmay, but that is because he buys into the "flavor of the month" that they were selling that day! He became part of a trio that screwed every person over to confirm that they would survive! He is EVIL! HE is a Denny Hecker Clone! EVERYONE should be scared! I am still in the Metro and finally landed somewhere, and his name is still treated as an outcast! Ask him why he cannot get a job in the Metro-because NO ONE will touch him!
I stand behind exactly what was just said! Mark, Bob, and Norm are VERY bad people who will lie directly to your face, and feel nothing!
I feel sorry for you guys up there, whoever does your hiring must not care much about a person's past employment history or at least doing some follow up calls to some people or a little investigating about this guy. What dealership do you work at? Is your dealership all about the bottom line or actually care about the employee because if they do care they should have or should do some calling around.
Just goes to show no matter how much of a ass someone is there will always be someone dumb enough to hire them. We will be glad to get this guy out of our area too bad for you guys in Fargo.
Want to keep up with everything Denny Hecker? Think he is one of the greatest men of our generation? Do you look to Denny as a model for how to do business? Then come join us on facebook!
See you there!
Denny hecker, Pat Terhaar, Barbara Jerich, Donna Rizner, and Mike Schrank. I hope that everyone one of you get EXACLTY what is coming to you! You all hurt so many familes, well beyond what anyone can post here. Christmas' were ruined and families destroyed, but as you kept saying-it is only a bank error!
can some one tell me what this Bob person does at White bear lincoln and what his title is?
I think 10 years is too long! I feel he would better serve the Community by doing Serivce! Community Service so he can re-adjust to being a good citizen and a productive one. Working with the less fortunate will remind him! I say give him 5 years and 5 Community Service in an Area of Minnesota where he can do the most GOOD! God is WATCHING DENNY! God Bless You and Yours,
Denny Hecker deserves all he gets. He should of got more time in the slammer. I understand This Bob C person is at a VW dealership,I'm willing to bet he is screwing that dealership up too.
Beware! Bob Cozatt now works at Westside VW! As it seems, he is screwing over the employees. Customers will not return to that store because of how he has treated some customers. From what I hear Westside VW is hiring! Stay away! ITS NOT WORTH IT!
bob cozatt is a piece of shit i had to work with him at luther vw, and he is the one person i truly hate, he dropped there csi down into the high 60's low 70's. he is a fucking pathetic human being.
I also forgot to add bob has already ran out some of there best techs and service writers, if you want your car fixed do not go to west side vw.
yeah Bob Cozatt, the very douchebag himself is at Westside VW in St. Louis Park, MN. That guy is a definite a prick. I was a tech there for awhile. Bob Cozatt needs to have a lesson in 1. manners 2. business management 3. grammar and 4. a good old school ass whooping! He has really run that place in the ground! His philosophy when he arrived was "I'm here because numbers are down, and I want to help all of you make more money". WOW---------------------When? He has been visited from VW Corporate in Detroit. Funny thing is, numbers are even lower now than they were before he got there! He also made everyone get rid of there tool boxes so he can install matching tool boxes for the technicians. The service drive looks like a cross between tires plus and fucking wal-mart. They have lost ALOT of customers because of it. He even hired alot of his damn friends and made up management positions for them. All his new rules and ways have pissed off most people, if not all of them still working there. It used to be a really fun place to work! Then again Bob wouldn't be there if it wasn't for the super-dick Mark Morcomb! Bobs' little buddy! Mark Morcomb supposedly threatened a technician with his job for giving Bob a hard time! The hilarious thing about that was, the technician he threatened to fire was a black belt karate instructor! That's a good idea you dumbass! Lets push a black belt karate instructor over the edge and wait to see what happens! Hello!!!!! That guy is a trained fighter you fucking dumbass! You don't have to worry about him though, because already left due to Bob! That and Luther Auto Groups' inability to do anything! Mark and Bob as far as I'm concerned can rot away in the worst part of Hell. These two Idiots need a lesson in respect for their fellow man. Here's an idea, drop some of your fucking arrogant ways. Believe it or not, your human too! You two pricks are not invincible! you can lose your job just as easily. Plus I'd be willing to bet when Luther corporate finally realizes their best dealership is now one of the worst, your job is HISTORY! MESSAGE TO LUTHER CORPORATE-Start doing employment history checks on the people you hire! You hired Bob who has destroyed numerous dealerships, and has a history of violence against employees! MESSAGE TO BOB COZATT-YOU'RE A FUCKING SELF-RIGHTEOUS DICK! You haven't impressed anyone there! You lost so many of the good technicians that were there! You brought those cheap fucking boxes in and gave the technicians a good reason to quit and work somewhere else! Everyones pay there dropped, workload decreased, numbers are way down(I saw them!) and cost are up! I bet that fucking X-mas party is going to be just awesome this year! I bet you still hang out with the little fuckers from Denny Heckers' too! Oh yeah we can't forget about good ole Steve Hendricks! The other one who did nothing but let Bob ruin the service department! Good Job Stevie! Your the MAN!
haha i love that last comment. couldn't have said it any better my self. now bob is hiring 6 more mechanics for the tremendous work load they have.(haha, ya right). And he is fucking up parts department hours to piss them off as well. Somebody should ask them about stealing money from there employees, cuz im pretty sure that is illegal, and so is changing time on time cards.
and dont even get me started on steve hendrix that spineless prick and julie hose( fucking cunt).I can not wait to see that place fall and crumble under hitlers control ( bob cozatt). it used to be a great dealership with great numbers, now it is a terrible place to work and a terrible place to get your car fixed and get good costumer service. way to go bob!!!! you are so great!!! actually you can rot in hell
Id like kick Bobs ass so hard he'll sneeze out my shoelace. The best techs have quit Westside because they just can't stand being there. Here's an idea, Bob; stay away from people and let them do their job. Your numbers will probably go up. How do you expect efficiency from your techs if you are constantly changing the rules? You are an idiot! Go back to school and get degree in business management. You just might learn something. ATTENTION LUTHER CORPORATE: If someone is constantly being bashed on a website, maybe you should take another look at who you have working for you! Id love to see westside VW go under. Sorry for all employees there though.
I was a technician there at Westside VW, and I can't believe how bad it has gotten there. Nice work Bob! I hope you're proud of yourself! Do you know anything about business management, or do you lie about it like you did everything else? You showed up and tried to impress us techs. How'd that work out for you? How many techs invite you to lunch or to there house for a beer? I'm going with no one! Bob you're a joke along with your fucking rules! How's business going Bob? I last heard that the current count of people that quit is up to 27 now since you showed up. If you were trying to get rid of the weak, you failed! You got rid of the people that worked well for the company dumbass! I now have a job where I make as much as you do! You make 102,000 a year right, or damn close to it. How would I know that though right?! Bob your a dirtbag! You didn't do anything great for VW! You have however destroyed that dealership. Its amazing how much stuff there is about you on the internet! Have googled yourself at all? You should do it sometime! You would be able to reminisce on past experiences and lawsuits you were involved in. You're my fucking hero Bob. I would ask how the hell someone like you got hired there, but that answer is pretty simple! MARK MORCOMB! Your friend! The other joke of the Luther group. I guess I should thank you though, for helping me change careers. If it wasn't for you, I never would've found this new job! I guess I really don't want to indulge on this to much, just because you're not worth the time or effort! That and I would MUCH rather say it you FACE TO FACE!
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I can't believe how bad Westside has gotten. I was a long time customer until just recently. My wife and I brought our car in for service and we just shocked. So many people were walking around doing nothing. I'm not sure what who was running the place, but they failed! Then my wife and I were explaining the concern with our car and I saw some guy named Bob checking out my wife! Really!? She doesn't like Mr. Clean look-alikes! Because I was raised to be so mild-mannered, I never said anything. He looked like a manager because he was wearing a white shirt. Keep your damn eyes from wandering dude. When my wife found out, she was very upset! We both decided to never go back. It seems as if they have too many untrained people with absolutely no class. Service was terrible along with customer respect. I'm done with Westside VW!
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