
stp: Upcoming Transit Summit

Saint Paul Light Rail supporters should know that there's a transit summit coming up 1.23 at Hamline University.

(from a press release)
(Saint Paul) – Saint Paul Mayor Chris Coleman today announced he will join the city’s district councils in hosting a forum on key transportation initiatives in Saint Paul on January 23rd at Hamline University in the Drew Science Center Auditorium. [7pm until 9pm in the evening.]

“This forum is an opportunity for the public to engage elected officials and government agencies as we continue to work on a citywide vision for transportation. There is no question the coming years will bring new opportunities for Saint Paul, and we want to engage the community from the beginning to ensure they have a voice in the process,” Coleman said.

Light Rail will be the topic du jour. I'm sure Coleman wants the University LRT to be his legacy...


Andrew said...

And I am sure that the owner of the bookstore on Snelling that is anti-LRT will be there with bells on just trying to get more attention. Thanks for telling the date and time of the meeting, are you planning on attending? It would be cool to meet the author of this interesting and insightful blog on development in the Twin Cities

Bill Lindeke said...

oh, i'll be there. hopefully with a microphone...

Andrew said...

You will have to let me know how it goes. I have a night class from 6:30 Pm-8:30 PM and will be unable to attend. Do you plan on attending any of the Northstar meetings? Perhaps I will see you at one of those?