
Open Letter to a Saint Paul Business Owner on the Trash Situation

[A garbage truck in Saint Paul.]
Dear NAME:

I saw the "Say NO to Organized Trash" sign in your yard. I wanted to drop you a quick note about it.

First, I love your business and think you are a great INSERT PROFESSION. I really appreciate your work in Saint Paul. Most of the time, I keep politics and business separate, and nothing about this debate changes my desire to patronize your shop. I hope the feeling is mutual. 

That said, there's a lot of misinformation floating around about the city's organized trash debate. Regardless about how anyone feels about whether the new trash system is a good idea, if the current referendum passes, I think it will hurt small businesses. The problem is that, because business and larger apartment buildings are not in the organized trash system, a "no" vote means that city-wide trash collection will go onto the property tax rolls.

As you know, currently every commercial and industrial property in Saint Paul is not paying for the trash city-wide system. But if the NO vote wins, I am confident the Mayor and the Council will move city-wide trash expenses onto the general property tax. This is to avoid a costly legal battle around voiding the existing five-year contract with the private companies, many of whom have expensive lawyers that would likely prevail in court.

If the referendum passes, small businesses would foot the bill for garbage service to every Saint Paul home, but none of you would get trash service for your money. You'd still have to pay for your own hauler, on top of the tax hike. That's a huge cost for business owners who can't afford it, without getting anything in return. 

Sure, there are problems with the current system. It's still new, and it's inevitable that a new system will has some wrinkles. I think we'll fix most of those issues with a new contract in a few years. But in the meantime, we need to avoid the worst case scenario that would raise taxes on the Saint Paul's business owners like yourself.

Anyway, that's my two cents on the trash issue. Either way you decide, I love your shop. I recommend it to all my friends, and hope you thrive in Saint Paul for years to come. 

Yours sincerely,
Bill Lindeke

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