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[Lake Calhoun.] |
What am I talking about?
I'm talking about Lake Calhoun!
No, it's not the lake itself. The lake itself is pretty near perfect, a gorgeous jewel in our city, open to the public, walkable, eatable, sailable, enjoyable. Lake Calhoun itself makes other cities green with envy.
The problem isn't with the water, the problem is the name of the water. No matter how many times you go watch Twelve Years a Slave, Lake Calhoun will still be named after John C. Calhoun, the most pro-slavery politician in US history.
Who is John C. Calhoun?
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[He's even dressed like he's evil.] |
Here's one of his more racist quotes:
I hold that in the present state of civilization, where two races of different origin, and distinguished by color, and other physical differences, as well as intellectual, are brought together, the relation now existing in the slaveholding States between the two, is, instead of an evil, a good -- a positive good.
Yet our most popular lake, one of the prime symbols of Minneapolis, is named after him. Something must be done!
There are really only two options. First, we could re-name the lake. That sounds fun, and I'm sure we could come up with lots of great lake names. Round Lake... Wet Lake... Ricki Lake... Lake Property Values... But it would be quite the change, and would involve new maps, new signs, a whole new identity for Uptown Minneapolis. Plus John Winters tried that and didn't get very far.
So I prefer the second option: rename the lake after a different Calhoun. This way we don't have to change the name of the lake, but simply change the Calhoun to which the name Lake Calhoun refers...
Introducing Five Other Calhouns
After many days and nights poring over dusty books in the library stacks, I have identified five alterna-Calhouns for your consideration. Let's meet them!
George Whitney Calhoun -- G.W. was a sports
journalist and editor for the Green Bay Press-Gazette. His claim to fame was
that he co-founded the Green Bay Packers along with Curly Lambeau. He was the
Packers' press director for decades, writing a weekly program called "The
Dope Sheet." There are lots of reasons why the Packers are a superior
football team to our hometown Vikings, and naming our lake after GW Calhoun
would be a great way to stick it in the eye of Zygi Wilf and his dubious

Kutt Calhoun -- (One potential problem: it's generally inadvisable to name things after people that are still alive... But given that this Calhoun's already-existing reputation, here it hardly seems to matter.) Kutt Calhoun is a rapper from Kansas City.
You may know is work from his 2010 album Raw and Un-Kutt or his 2008 record,
Feature Presentation. His biggest hit is probably "Naked (Boom Boom
Room)" a subtle homage to fornication that involved collaboration with his
friend and fellow hip-hop artist Tech N9ne. It's safe to say that no alterna-Calhoun presents
such a cultural transformation as that represented by Kutt, so if we want ol' John
spinning in his grave, this is the way to do it.
Haystacks Calhoun -- Haystacks Calhoun is easily
the largest Calhoun on this list. As a young man growing up in Texas, he
weighed three hundred pounds by age 14. He just kept eating prodigiously, and
by age 20 he was six hundred pounds. As the undoubtedly fallacious story has
it, sometime in the 50s traveling wrestling promoters saw Haystack working on
his farm by physically picking up and moving cows around. They signed him to be a pro wrestler, and he enjoyed a decade-long career, acquired the
nickname Haystacks, and adopted a hick persona. Retiring due to inevitable health problems, he eventually lost one leg to diabetes and
died in a doublewide at the age of 55. Naming a lake after him seems like a
nice gesture. (Bonus: Haystacks was kinda shaped like Lake Calhoun.)
That's it! Take the poll and let's get'er done.
Update: After writing this post and making this poll, many more Calhouns have come to my attention! So, consider this Calhoun election merely Round One of a quasi-democratic process to select the most lake-worthy Calhoun. Hopefully the next round will even have a woman Calhoun for your perusal. If you know any Calhouns, send them my way.
Meanwhile, vote!
I want yet more Calhouns to choose from! sorry
Ridiculous waste of effort based on inane retrospect. George Washington and 14 other signers of the Constitution owned slaves. Maybe we should throw that out also. - oh wait. The lake is named after United States Secretary of War, John C. Calhoun, who sent the Army to survey the area that would become Fort Snelling in 1817. Calhoun had also authorized the construction of Fort Snelling, one of the earliest settlements in the state. The surveyors renamed the water body "Lake Calhoun" in his honor. How far do we take the witch hunt over slavery? Burn down Fort Snelling because it was part of Calhoun's legacy? Rename it Fort Bill? Burn all the history books that mention slavery? Wasnt' Hitler trying to do the same thing - erase the Jews?
I laughed so damn hard at the description of John B. Calhoun. No prizes for guessing who I voted. Bravo, Bill!
Thanks for the history, but I agree there should be more options in the pool. Any women Calhouns? Or better yet, have a naming process led by the original peoples of the land?
Nice one! I like the outfit of the characters. Wish i could do the same thing too but im not that techie.i like the outfit of “from farmer to warden”.. really interesting
There was a Calhoun on the Gopher Women's basketball time around the time of Whalen and McCarville
Two good reasons to leave the name as-is:
A) name change confusion.
B) those who fail to remember history are doomed to repeat it.
Hey ! I love totalitarian thinking: Lets name Volgograd Stalingrad and St. Petersburg after Lenin.
Unfortunately, the name already was changed to no effect. In 1890, the Park Board voted to change the name to "Lake Mendoza," (an Anglicized corruption of a Dakota name) to avoid honoring John C. Calhoun. It seems no one stopped calling it "Calhoun," though, and the old name was officially reinstated in the early 20th Century.
The 1890s-1910s was a time when the generation that fought the Civil War was being romanticized as having fought the good fight; Grand Army of the Republic halls and monuments to the Union were being erected across the North. If that generation, with a much fresher hatred of John C. Calhoun and all he stood for, failed to change the name, I'm afraid there will be little success today. People are used to calling it Calhoun.
Here's a Mpls. Tribune article from the time (note that this author was so embarrassed at the connection to John C. Calhoun that a fictional "Lt. Calhoun" is claimed as the original namesake; this is false):
And here's a 1901 Map showing "Lake Mendoza (formerly Calhoun): https://umedia.lib.umn.edu/node/890495
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