The new tower got me thinking about some other ways our Twin Cities could make improvements to the skyway. Here are my ideas, and some rough visualizations of the new improvements. Let me know what you think, and let's keep making Minneapolis and Saint Paul better places in which to live and avoid the weather!
#1: Skyway Trampoline

An opening in select skyways will be carefully positioned above large trampolines placed on the sidewalk. Skyway users will be able to escape from their skyways in an elegant motion, bouncing a few times, perhaps performing acrobatic tricks before landing neatly on the sidewalk.
(Note: Skyway trampoline can also be useful in case of fire or bear tranquilization.)
#2 Skyway Firepole

In addition, firepoles hearken back to a lost past of fire-fighting, reliance on gravity, and the movie Ghostbusters. Picture a be-numbed skyway goer who, in a moment of clarity, imagines herself as a fire fighter and, filled with courage, leaps into the nearest firepole and escapes. The skyway firepole will be a catalyst for adventure and derring-do, while providing needed egress for those trapped in the skyway on a nice day
#3 Sidemounted Water Bottles

These innovative sidemounted water bottles will solve two problems with one elegant gesture. Parched skyway goers will be able to drink nutritious Twin Cities vitamin fortified water without breaking their stride.
[Nod to Shanai for this excellent suggestion.]
#4 Inflatable Exit Slides

A skyway goer need only pull the emergency cord, and a doorway in the skyway opens up, unfurling an inflatable exit slide. Skyway goers can then slide to safety and pleasant outside air, free to wander the downtown streets without having to walk on skyway carpeting.
How about a climbing wall to provide a new and exciting way to access the skyway from the sidewalk below?
These all seem a tad risky. What about, for instance, stairs?
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