
Bike Parking #3

[West Bank, Minneapolis.]

[West Bank Campus, Minneapolis.]

[Seward, Minneapolis.]

[West Bank, Minneapolis.]

[Stadium Village, Minneapolis.]

[Nicollet Mall, Downtown Minneapolis.]


Mike Hicks said...

*sigh* So sad. Minneapolis wants to become Copenhagen, but it's definitely not going to happen if people can't park their bikes anywhere. The city has a program where they pay half the cost of installing racks, but I'm not sure how aggressively they push it.

But heck, we don't even know what types of bike racks work the best. Somebody ought to throw some research dollars at that problem. (Actually, there may be more than one type of "best" rack, considering that oddballs like recumbents and Xtracycles also need to be accommodated.)

Bill Lindeke said...

yeah, there should be a lot more bike parking in the TC. but I still find improvisation amusing.

Mike Hicks said...

Yeah, I halfway figured you were enjoying the creativity. Sorry for the bummer of a comment before.