It's time once again for another Name That Sidewalk! I saw these two 'surveyors' stretching a tape measure across the street, from sidewalk's edge to sidewalk's edge...

... the only question is:
Where in the Twin Cities is this sidewalk?
The first person to post the correct answer in the comments below will get this weather beaten and falling apart copy of Jane Jacobs'
The Death and Life of Great American Cities, without doubt the greatest sidewalk book ever written.
Good luck and godspeed!
Is it Selby and Snelling in St. Paul?
That has to be the SW corner of Snelling and Selby.
Darn, beaten by 1 minute!
damn, that was too easy! Please email me your postal address at blindeke [at] to receive yr prize!
i will make the next one much more difficult.
The fact that there was a Starbucks on the corner was a dead giveaway.
OH MY!! I Can't believe you gave away a copy of your favorite book!! Then again, I am sure you have another one laying around somewhere.
This seems like that hopping little strip of St. Paul by the old Ford Plant...
Argh, I was just going to say Selby and Snelling! Tooooo late.
When are you going to put up a different picture for us to guess? This one's been up forever!
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