
mpls: Northwest Metro Transit Study

Metro Transit is developing some sort of plan for the fast-growing NW Metro area, at least according to their latest Takeout:
Metro Transit is at work on the Northwest Metro Transit Study, a project that will restructure bus routes in north Minneapolis and in the northwestern suburbs of the metro area. The goal is to update routes based on recent growth and – without spending more money – make transit service more effective.
A concept plan soon will be available for public review, followed by open houses and a public hearing where customers and residents can offer comments about the proposal. Look for hearing dates and locations in the May issue of TAKEOUT, available on buses and trains and on this site beginning May 4. Route changes are set to be implemented starting in 2007.

Here's a link to their info page. Now's the time to have an opinion.


Andrew said...

This is the same as the Northwest BRT corridor up 81 that has been in the works right?

Bill Lindeke said...

Maybe . . . but i don't think so. as far as i can tell, the NW BRT is on hold for now. It got $20 mil in state funding, but that was years ago.

mebbe they're waiting until cedar BRT is done?

i plead ignorance (after looking on the web for a minute or two)