[The last Villager in the skyway liquor store.] |
[Basically the problem is that the best source of Saint Paul streets & sidewalks news is the Highland Villager, a very fine and historical newspaper. This wouldn't be a problem, except that its not available online. You basically have to live in or frequent Saint Paul to read it. Until this newspaper goes online, sidewalk information must be set free. See also: Three Reasons Why I Re-Blog the Highland Villager.]
Council OKs Ford site plan despite deep divisions [Especially considering the mayoral stakes, a 5-2 vote is not that “deep”, considering even Bostom voted with the majority here.]
Author: Jane McClure
Short short version: The City Council approved a zoning and public realm plan for the old car and truck factory after ten years of working on it. CMs Prince and Thao voted against. People talked a lot before they voted.
[See last fortnight’s Villager re-cap for my fuller take on all of this.] Article includes lots of overview of the
[long] debate over the issue, and the competing lawn signs.
[Fact: Green YES signs have been taken down, while many / most red NO signs have remained in people’s yards.] Neighbors are concerned about traffic and apocalypse. Quote from testifier: “it almost feels like you’re taking our neighborhood away from us.” Article describes the CM Thao-sponsored affordable housing amendment, which passed.
City delays vote on restricting menthol tobacco stales
Author: Jane McClure
Short short version: The City Council decided to lay over restrictions on menthol tobacco sales, with CM Prince voting against.
[Curiously, she testified that the matter did not need “more process.”] CM Brendmoen wanted to have further study to make sure the restriction was done properly, and wouldn’t increase the number of “tobacco stores”
[that are not regulated by this rule]. Article includes a picture of a guy buying Newports at Cooper’s.
[A Villager first!]
City may let the air out of short-term bnb’s
Author: Jane McClure
Short short version: The Council is going to put regulations on airBnB and other short term rentals. Article lists the terms of the policy, which will try to shape nuisance, taxes, and size of the regulations. BnB owners are concerned about unfair competition.
[It passed.]
St. Paul to wrap up new regulations on carryout packaging
Author: Jane McClure
Short short version: The Council was going to put regulations on non-recyclilable food packaging.
[It did not.] Business people complained, while environmentalists really wanted the policy.
[It did not pass. All hail the all-powerful food packaging and plastic bag lobby! If only the bicycle lobby was half as all-powerful…]
Davanni’s could lose use of St. Thomas lot
Author: Jane McClure
Short short version: A pizza place with a parking lot was leasing another parking lot but might not be able to for much longer. Neighbors want on-campus housing in the space where the parking lot is.
[Some Grand Avenue parking meters could really help right here.] Neighbors are concerned about parking.
Property taxpayers will feel the pain with big gains in levies
Author: Jane McClure
Short short version: Taxes are going up and also property values are going up so that means that what you pay will go up even more because it is a combination of the two.
[That is all I know about property taxes! See also this streets.mn piece.]
Apartments, commercial properties are facing double-digit tax hikes
Author: Jane McClure
Short short version:
[See above, only with bigger buildings.]
St. Paul continues review of organized trash collection
Author: Jane McClure
Short short version: City staff are still herding
[alley cats] garbage haulers. Maybe they will be done by November.
[I am guessing the garbage people are hoping Goldstein gets elected or something, and they will not have to do what the City wants after all.]
City delays work until spring on Snelling Avenue medians
Author: Jane McClure
Short short version: The City is still going to build medians on Snelling that will make it easier to cross the street, but not until Spring. There will be parking bays in three places.
[These cost a lot.]
Zoning study of Marshall Ave. west of Hamline moves ahead
Author: Jane McClure
Short short version: The City Council is going to study zoning on Marshall Avenue. Some homes may be “architecturally significant.” CM Stark is sponsoring it,. Thee will also be a zoning moratorium that would “block any changes” in the xis blocks in question.
[Check out this article in the Pioneer Press on the topic. This seems exactly like the Grand Avenue moratorium and subsequent zoning changes, sort of a restricting student housing playbook at this point.]
Bad Weather seeks sound level variance for Halloween party
Author: Jane McClure
Short short version: A brewery wants to have an outdoor event with music. Neighbors are concerned about noise. The brewery wants to have a DJ until 10pm.
City’s battle against ash borer aided with $1.5M state grant
Author: Jane McClure
Short short version: The city is getting some state money to cut down its ash trees.
[In Celtic mythology the ash tree symbolizes healing and the well-being of children.]
Highland Village roadwork is about to get even noisier
Author: Jane McClure
Short short version: Ford Parkway is under construction and there will be milling, grinding, and jackhammering during the daytime.
Goodrich Avenue home saved from wrecking ball, for now
Author: Jane McClure
Short short version: A dilapidated but old house may or may not be torn down. Neighbors are concerned about the loss of historic properties.
Mendota Heights seeks name for new pedestrian underpass
Author: Jane McClure
Short short version: There’s a tunnel under the freeway in the suburbs now! Whoever names it will get a gift certificate to a nearby restaurant.
[“Mendota depths?”]
Riverview advisory recommends modern streetcar line on West 7th
Author: Jane McClure
Short short version: The group that makes decisions about the Riverview transit project made a decision to go with a “locally preferred alternative” of having a modern streetcar that would go from downtown to the airport.
[Key details: it may or may not go on Smith Avenue, may or may not go its own lane or in a shared lane depending, may or may not go on the CP rail spur, and will probably definitely go under the Fort Snelling in a tunnel-type thing.] There will be a public hearing.
[If you go, please make suggestions about what the key details should look like.]