The top priority on the city's request for state bonding, the Shubert Theater, also has been in line for state money for many years. The historic Hennepin Avenue theater has stood empty since 1983.If approved, the $15 million request would allow the city to construct, furnish and equip the theater complex.
But it probably won't happen this year, simply because Pawlenty is in charge. He knows he can't get any votes in Minneapolis, and will funnel most of the bonding dollars to the state's swing regions, like Rochester or Saint Cloud.
LOL, great comments about Pawlenty. Last year I went into the Masonic Building where the Hennepin Arts Building is housed and their were renderings all over the place of the Schubert Theater and facts and figures. I agree that Hennepin Avenue needs help but is coming around I think. The New Minneapolis Public Library will be opening soon and that should put a positive light on Hennepin Avenue. I recently purchased Lost Twin Cities and Twin Cities Then and Now both by Larry Millet. In Lost Twin Cities the first chapter is the demolition of the Met Building (a topic that you and I have talked about over email). If you haven't already (I am sure you have) take a look at it or pick it up at I also started reading Jane Jacobs in one of my classes. :)